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Portal Ciążowy.pl, operating under the patronage of the ISHF since 2010, has undergone a complete redesign.
Ciążowy.pl is a website for future parents and parents of young children. It is a compendium of knowledge on preparing for pregnancy, its course, childbirth, and the development and upbringing of a child. The database of original articles is one of the largest in Poland, and the tools most often chosen by Internet users.
In 2021, the Ciążowy.pl portal underwent a complete redesign. The appearance of the home page, articles view and website layout have changed. Now the portal is distinguished by well-displayed photos, clear titles of articles and easy navigation and transitions to the next content. The logo of the portal has also been refreshed. A new look, new impressions, but the editorial staff remains unchanged, and the expert advice and all the tools are so eagerly chosen, in the refreshed version, are still available to users.
Ciążowy.pl made its debut on May 26, 2009 on Mother’s Day, while there were only a few portals for parents on the Internet. Since 2010, it has been operating under the patronage of the International Health and Science Foundation. We invite you to visit the Ciążowy.pl portal.

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Experts from the International Science and Health Foundation at the “6th Scientific and Training Conference took part in Child Nutrition. Challenges of negative pediatric dietetics” November 19-20, 21, Krakow.
Dr Katarzyna Maresz, President of ISHF, speaks about Vitamin K and its role in the development of children. Due to the transformation of food habits in developed countries over the last five decades, vitamin K and specifically vitamin K2 intakes among parents and their offspring have decreased significantly resulting in serious health implications. Therapeutics used in pediatric practice (antibiotics and glucocorticoids) are also to blame for this situation.
Low vitamin K status is much more frequent in newborns, due to both endogenous and exogenous insufficiencies. Just after birth vitamin K stores are low, and since human milk is relatively poor in this nutrient, breast-fed infants are at particular risk of a bleeding disorder called vitamin K deficiency bleeding.
A pilot study showed that better vitamin K status is associated with lower rate of low-energy fracture incidence. An ongoing clinical trial is intended to address whether vitamin K2 and D3 supplementation might positively impact the biological process of bone healing. Vitamin K2 as menaquinone-7 ( MK-7 ) has a documented history of safe and effective use.
The lack of adverse effects of MK-7 makes it the ideal choice for supplementation by pregnant and nursing women, and children – healthy as well as those severely disabled or suffering from various malabsorptions and health disorders like dyslipidemia, diabetes, thalassemia major (TM), cystic fibrosis (CF), inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), and chronic liver diseases. Worth consideration is also the use of vitamin K2 in obesity-related health outcomes.

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President of the ISHF, Dr. Katarzyna Maresz co-authored publication on the role of vitamin K2 and D3 in children and adolescents. Below we present an abstract and a link to the entire text.
Background: The role of vitamin K2, especially menaquinone-7, has recently been highlighted in the literature and distinguished from vitamin K1 in maintaining calcium homeostasis and a healthy skeletal system. Epidemiological and clinical research provides a new nutritional paradigm for efficient and safe delivery of calcium that requires co-supplementation with the fat-soluble vitamins D and K.
Objective: We propose a prospective, three-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention trial (RDBPC), investigating the effects of vitamin D3 in the presence and absence of vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7, MK-7) on the healing process of low-energy bone fractures in children and adolescents. Thus, information will be obtained regarding the role of vitamin K2 in the bone healing process.
Methods: Ninety pediatric patients with low blood levels of vitamin D and low energy bone fractures will be divided into three groups that receive daily for three-month identical soft gel capsules containing 2000 IU vitamin D3, 90 mcg of vitamin K2 as menaquinone-7 (MK-7) combined with 2,000 IU D3 or olive oil-containing placebo. Patients will visit the clinic on weeks 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12, and will be evaluated by X-ray regarding progress in bone union and range of joint motion. Blood samples will be collected in duplicates on day 0 and after the 3-month regimen. The blood samples will be analyzed for vitamin K (menaquinone-7, MK-7) and vitamin D as well as the bone turnover markers bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) and N-terminal telopeptide (NTX).
Conclusions: This proposed nutritional regimen will provide new information regarding the ability of vitamins D3 and K (specifically MK-7) in combination therapy to heal and prevent low-energy fractures among children and young adults. It will also contribute to building the “bone bank,” therefore helping to prevent the risk of fractures in adulthood and the development of osteoporosis later in life.

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The International Vitamin Conference took place in Copenhagen, Denmark over the three days September 22-24, 2021. The program included 6 sessions all of which provide new knowledge on the vitamins. The conference was attended by international delegates. The Scientific Program included invited lectures as well as oral and poster presentations from submitted abstract.
Dr Katarzyna Maresz, President of ISHF, prepared a poster and a short presentation: Vitamin K2 as necessary nutrient to support the function of vitamin D and decrease D toxicity. Below we present an abstract.
Vitamins K2 and D3 are both fat – soluble vitamins that function synergistically. Unfortunately, deficiency of both these nutrients has been recognized worldwide and is associated with various health problems.
Observational studies
Observational studies have shown low vitamin K and D status is correlated with poor bone quality and higher fracture risk. In addition to impacting bone health, low vitamin K and D status is corelated with arterial stiffness and increased incidence of hypertension. Moreover, combined low vitamin D and K status has been shown to be synergistically associated with an unfavorable cardiac structure and with an increased risk of death.
Interventional studies
Interventional studies have proven that combining vitamins K2 and D3 positively impacted bone mineral density (BMD) in children, and clinical research on adults showed this combination is the most effective to improve BMD and inhibit bone loss. To date, clinical research showed positive effects of vitamins D and K2 on carotid intima-media thickness and insulin metabolism markers. New clinical trials are evaluating this vitamin combination’s efficacy in different health areas such as carotid artery disease, metabolic dysfunction, fracture healing, and respiratory infection such as COVID-19.
It is important to recommend co-supplementation of vitamins K2 and D3 for both safety and efficacy. There is a new hypothesis that vitamin D exerts toxicity by inducing a deficiency of vitamin K and increases intestinal calcium absorption and promotes hypercalcemia. That is why vitamin D3 supplementation can be considered safe and beneficial when it is paired with K2.

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Dr Katarzyna Maresz’s, President of the ISHF, answer was published in the article “Why is it essential to pair vitamin D3 and K2” in the nutritionmag.com online magazine. Below we present part of the text and a link to the entire article.
There are some nutraceuticals that work in harmony, providing benefits that are greater together than alone. As few nutrients work better together – for example vitamins D3 and K2.
A 1993 study showed that vitamin D promotes the production of osteocalcin, which is responsible for building bone. Yet, when D was combined with vitamin K2, active osteocalcin levels are significantly increased. These findings were supported by numerous observational studies that showed low vitamin K and D status is correlated with poor bone quality and higher fracture risk.
This combination has also been identified as essential for healthy bones in children, heart health, cardiovascular health, immunity and reduction of oxidative stress. This has been confirmed by many studies and tests.

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The International Science & Health Foundation and vitaminK2.org was noticed and invited to discussion about vitamin K2 and its role for the prevention of bone fracture and support for cardiovascular health. An article “Vitamin D effects optimized with other key nutrients” was published in the New Hope Network website.
While no studies look at vitamin K status and vitamin D absorption, vitamin K2 is crucial for the beneficial action of vitamin D in the body. Both are fat-soluble vitamins and play a central role in calcium metabolism. Vitamin D promotes the production of vitamin K-dependent proteins, which require vitamin K for carboxylation in order to function properly. Moreover, increasing vitamin D intake increases calcium absorption, particularly when combined with calcium supplementation, and promotes hypercalcemia—too much calcium in the blood. Vitamin K2 can help with this issue because it helps the body place calcium appropriately—out of the arteries where you don’t want it and into bones where you do.
“Based on the current research,” said Kate Maresz, Ph.D, President of International Science and Health Foundation – “There is enough evidence to recommend combined vitamin D3 and K2 supplementation for the prevention of bone fracture and as a support for cardiovascular health.”

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Dr Katarzyna Maresz’s, President of the ISHF, article “Promoting bone and cardiovascular health with vitamin K2” was published in “Natural Pharmacy Business” magazine. Below we present part of the text and a link to the entire magazine.
Known for bone support benefits, vitamin K2 is now recognised as vital for heart health too and the only known compound to impact hardening of the arteries. Vitamin K2 as MK-7 is the superior vitamin K, safely and effectively delivering benefits for children and adults, serving as an essential companion for calcium supplementation. By implementing this simple nutritional strategy, the population can simultaneously support their bone health, while protecting themselves from cardiovascular risk.
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Dr Katarzyna Maresz’s, President of the ISHF, statement was published in the article “Vitamin K2 deficiency: Low levels increase risk of hypertension, diabetes and osteoporosis” in the Expres.co.uk website. Below we present Dr. Katarzyna’s statement and a link to the entire text.
VITAMIN K2 deficiency signs could include excessive bleeding and easy bruising. Lacking in the vitamin also increases the risk of serious health conditions. Dr. Katarzyna Maresz, president of the International Science and Health Foundation said: “Researchers believe that it is of major importance to know the factors that influence frailty, to be able to develop public health strategies aimed at reducing or preventing frailty. In a previous analysis in the LASA cohort, low vitamin K status was associated with lower handgrip strength, smaller calf circumference, and, in women only, with poorer functional performance score. Moreover, if we look at table one in the presently discussed paper, we will notice that low vitamin K status increases the risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes and a number of chronic diseases. These facts articulate the usefulness of vitamin K2 supplementation for preventing frailty in the elderly population.”